Today I was walking my dog in the forest (Bella), and I was watching and laughing at her, as she would chase the squirrels. She would see the squirrel on the ground at the foot of a tree, and for a split second decide on her attack. Then before you could blink, she would be off doing her best to catch this fluffy gray creature.
But the squirrel would quite quickly shoot off, up behind the tree before she reached it. However Bella in her innocence, couldn't comprehend that this creature Climbed up behind the tree, and did not run on the ground like her, so she would continue running of in the same direction wondering where the squirrel had disappeared to.
It then occurred to me how similar this was to many of us humans. We are not aware of what potentials are around us. We tell ourselves, we can only go forward and back, but has anyone really thought about going up? To think is the "key". For without the questioning of our current reality will we ever truly see what is right in front of our eyes, or part way up a tree.
"We move through life like a dog chasing a squirrel. Often confused why we so very rarely reach our goals. We must change the way we think and look up, to see that we have been going about things the wrong way."