The Latest Kryon Channelling is Here. It deals with Quantum Healing and the ability of self healing. This has got to be one of the most confusing and hard to understand channellings to date. My little 3D mind just can't seem to grasp the magnitude of this multi-Dimensional understanding. There is a part were Kryon describes time and a railway track being painted red; I won't lie it went straight over my head!
I wish you the best of luck trying to discern for yourselves what Kryon means, and if you do please drop an explanation in the comments for me.
It can be downloaded here: Quantum Healing, Vancouver, Jan 26 2008, by Lee Carol
well being an astrologer and an energy healer i belive "Chiron" an astroid is the wounded healer it is the healer????
also watch the video at the end
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