Earthquake Hits UK, What is Going On?!?

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Last night I was lying in bed, when all of a sudden I started to shake quite allot. Now, me being me, I thought it was just another strange energy sensation that I ha been experiencing lately, and fell back to sleep without giving it another thought. Waking up this morning I had totally forgotten about the experience, only to be asked be my sister If I felt the earthquake. "What earthquake....." was my reply, only for the cogs in my head to eventually kick into gear and put 2 and 2 together and worked it out!

Now I live in London, and I can honestly say, I cannot understand how we experienced an earthquake measuring 4.8 on richter scale when the nearest fault line is in the middle of the bloody Atlantic. A little research later, and I find out that there can actually be stress faults the actually run though Britain. Apparently we experience over 150 each year, with only 15-20 being strong enough to be felt.

Now this may all be just another natural occurrence to Scientists and Geologists, but to me this is Gaia letting go. She has been holding on to something for a long time, and it needed to be let go of. I do not know what she was holding on to, nor do I really need to know. What I can tell, is that it was in her best interest to do so, for I look outside my window now to see the nicest weather for a long time.  She is smiling right now and that is the reassurance I need to know she is ok

We Love you Gaia.

[Via my sister, and